Section: New Software and Platforms

Grid Observatory

Participants : Cécile Germain-Renaud [correspondent] , Julien Nauroy, Michèle Sebag.

Keywords: Autonomic Computing, Green Computing.

The Grid Observatory (GO) software suite collects and publishes traces of the EGI (European Grid Initiative) grid usage. With the release and extensions of its portal, the Grid Observatory has made a database of grid usage traces available to the wider computer science community since 2008. These data are stored on the grid, and made accessible through a web portal without the need of grid credentials. The GO is fully integrated with the evolution of EGI monitoring. More than 250 users are currently registered. The acquisition has been extended to the University cloud StratusLab hosted by the VirtualData center.

The Green Computing Observatory (GCO) monitors the VirtualData center; it collects data on energy consumption and publishes the data through the Grid Observatory. These data include the detailed monitoring of the processors and motherboards, as well as global site information. The first results on energy saving opportunities have been presented at the Green Days@Luxembourg meeting.

In order to make the GO data readily consistent and complete, as well as understandable for further exploitation, an original approach has been designed, based on a flexible data schema built in collaboration with the users [27] . Its implementation is developed within the FUI project TIMCO.

Link: http://grid-observatory.org